Health/Age Care
Bethanie Group – Peel 2, Apartment Project
Bethanie Group – Peel 2, Apartment Project – The project consists of the extension of the existing single storey Auditorium and 98 new social age care units.
Royal Perth Hospital
The construction of the new 40 bed Trauma and Burns unit is located at Royal Perth Hospital and is made up by the following criteria; 25 new trauma beds, 10 new burns beds and 5 new “Combo” beds that can be used for either trauma or burns beds. This new facility included the demolition of […]
King Edward Memorial Hospital
The Department of Housing and Works Project was split into 2 separated stages over a 33 week period. Stage 1 was a new resource building and associated external works and stage 2 was the demolition of an existing building for a new carpark. STAGE 1: The construction of a single storey resource centre within the […]